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At the Water Park

Amy English

June is off to a good start!

I gave up social media for the month. (WHAT?!) I know. Crazy, right?

I even removed the Facebook and Instagram apps from my phone.

I'm just a few days in and It feels SO GOOD!

In the past I have found it really helpful to take a social media break every once in a while, but I never stepped away for a full month. The idea popped in my head a couple weeks ago. Something inside of me was strongly suggesting (or requesting) that I take a breather. I'm grateful that I have finally started hearing and listening to that kind little voice inside.

Social media has become a habit for me. I can tell this by the number of times I continue to grab my phone and check my Facebook and Instagram feed. There's a brief moment of panic when I realize both apps are gone. It's fascinating and scary at the same time. Maybe you can relate. I'm not saying social media is bad. Not at all. I love it for lots of reasons. I'm just taking good care of my environmental diet by taking a little vacation from it.

Speaking of vacation, I'm away with the family this week. We took our beloved Scarlet with us on this family trip. Scarlet is our furbaby. She is the Shorkie we rescued last year. We found a pet friendly resort that was completely disgusting and unacceptable. I was going to suck it up for the week because I didn't want to be an inconvenience to everyone. After all, it's just for one week. I quickly realized I was falling into old habits, the ones where I would keep my mouth shut to keep the peace, and keep everyone happy. That's my inner Betty Crocker, my people pleaser on steroids. That's not how I want to roll anymore. I called and complained. I was very passionate as I stated my case and ran it up the management chain. My kids were in shock watching their mama in action, and it taught them some valuable lessons. I didn't settle. I didn't suck it up. I didn't back down. I got us moved to a much nicer facility. I even got the pet fee reimbursed, and we were comped an extra night at the new building. I continue to show up in this way, and it feels good.

Speaking of showing up, I took this selfie while I was hanging out in my swimsuit at the water park this week. I like to lounge while my hubby takes the kids on the crazy slides. That's not my cup of tea. Lying on the beach by the wave pool in a private cabana chair that I rented for the day is much more my style.

This picture is a big deal for me. It was just two short years ago when I started wearing my swimsuit in public after almost two decades of staying covered up. I used to have a belief that I couldn't wear my swimsuit in public because my body wasn't perfect. I used to think I was too big. I used to think people would laugh.

Here's what I have learned:

Nobody cares. Nobody is paying attention. If someone does have an issue with me in my swimsuit it's none of my business. That has everything to do with them. It has nothing to do with me. I have spent an incredible amount of time in other people's business thinking that I knew what they were thinking, especially about me in my swimsuit. Nobody has that power. The person criticizing my body the most was me, that's the cold hard truth. It feels really good to walk around the water park in my swimsuit without trying to hide. It feels amazing to walk around in life without trying to cover up. I'm owning my space. All of it. That's what this journey is all about.

Summer is just around the corner.

I hope you won't settle.

I hope you'll show up.

And, I hope that you will rock your swimsuit where ever your travels take you.



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