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Amy English
Sep 7, 20184 min read
My Fat2Fierce Journey - Month #8
The title says it all, doesn't it? The number is gone. It had to go. There is no longer a space for it on my path. The truth is, I don't...

Amy English
Aug 23, 20185 min read
The Perfect Dress
I have a hunch that many of you will get this. Allow me to paint a picture. There's an event coming up. A function where you're going to...

Amy English
Jun 21, 20184 min read
My Body
I used to hate my body. I used to cringe when I looked in the mirror. I used to avoid my reflection from the neck down. I used to find...

Amy English
Apr 19, 20184 min read
My Inner Critic in a Hospital Gown
I saw a great post this week, although I can't recall where it was or who shared it. It said “she refuses to be imprisoned by other...

Amy English
Mar 5, 20173 min read
I'm So Over It!!
I had a different blog planned for this week, but switched it up last minute after having an epiphany!! I was so excited, I had to share....
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